Most blogs that I visited today featured the indiscrimate ravages of Typhoon Ondoy. Of all the many reports and stories that were written, one that struck me the most is the story of a teenager who tried to save people and ended up losing his own life.
His name is Muelmar Magallanes, an 18-year old construction worker from Manila. (Story sources: Flippin' in Singapore and UK's Daily Mail).
Muelmar is, for me, a fitting example of Pinoy's inner heroism especially during calamities like this.
To bayaning Muelmar and his family, my prayers.
Call for help:
OFWs in Alkhobar can extend their donations (in kind and in cash) by contacting any of the following Migrante members (Choie De Leon 0569117563, or Gerry de Guzman 0507373906). They've identified WRJ Cargo as a drop-off point in Alkhobar for all your donations. WRJ Cargo is located near 2nd corner Prince Majid Streets (at the back of Pasalubong Bakery and Andok's Restaurant).
I saw the story on TV Patrol and as i was watching, I feel the tears running from my eyes down to the side of my face.
He was indeed a true hero, I offered a minute of prayer for the eternal repose of his soul.
May he rest in peace.
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